CHIP: A Hawkes Process Model for Continuous-time Networks with Scalable and Consistent Estimation
Makan Arastuie, Subhadeep Paul, Kevin Xu
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020
arXiv / code / spotlight video
I am a machine learning engineer within the Seagate Research Group, utilizing AI/ML to enhance the design and development of higher capacity hard drives. I received my BS and MS in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Toledo, under the supervision of Dr. Kevin Xu, where I focused on the intersection of machine learning and social network analysis.
Makan Arastuie, Subhadeep Paul, Kevin Xu
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2020
arXiv / code / spotlight video
Makan Arastuie, Kevin Xu
Companion Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW), 2019
Michael Sloma Makan Arastuie, Kevin Xu
Human Activity Sensing, Springer, 2019
Michael Sloma Makan Arastuie, Kevin Xu
Proceedings of UbiComp, 2018
Founding contributor / under the supervision of Dr. Kevin Xu
documentation / github / tutorial / pypi
DyNetworkX is an open-source python package for the study and manipulation of dynamic networks. It employs various data structures to allow for fast insertion, deletion, and retrieval of edges in continuous-time networks. DyNetworkX graphs can easily be discretized and converted to NetworkX graphs for discrete-time analysis.