
I am a machine learning engineer within the Seagate Research Group, utilizing AI/ML to enhance the design and development of higher capacity hard drives. I received my BS and MS in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Toledo, under the supervision of Dr. Kevin Xu, where I focused on the intersection of machine learning and social network analysis.

Recent News

  • January 2023: I've joined Seagate Research Group to work on utilizing AI to enable the next generation higher capcity drives
  • July 2022: We were invited to contribute an extended version of our Complex Networks 2021 conference paper to the Journal of Applied Network Science. [paper]
  • December 2021: Our work on hybrid data structures for temporal networks has been accepted to Complex Networks 2021. [paper]
  • September 2020: Our work on the CHIP network model has been accepted to NeurIPS 2020. [paper on arXiv]
  • August 2020: I've joined the OTAAG group within Seagate as a machine learning engineer.
  • July 2020: I successfully defended my MS thesis.
  • September 2019: I will be spending spring 2020 as a data science & machine learning intern at Seagate.
  • January 2018: I was awarded the Dean's Scholarship from the College of Engineering to start my MS in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Toledo.




Founding contributor / under the supervision of Dr. Kevin Xu

documentation / github / tutorial / pypi

DyNetworkX is an open-source python package for the study and manipulation of dynamic networks. It employs various data structures to allow for fast insertion, deletion, and retrieval of edges in continuous-time networks. DyNetworkX graphs can easily be discretized and converted to NetworkX graphs for discrete-time analysis.

Selected Services

  • Program Committee: SocInfo (2020, 2022)
  • Reviewer:
    • The Web Conference (WWW) (2019, 2020, 2021)
    • IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems (2021)
    • IEEE BigData (2020)
    • Journal of Data Science and Analytics (2020, 2021)
    • Journal of Complex Networks (2019)
    • SocInfo (2019, 2020, 2022)